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Updated: Sep 15, 2024

IMPORTANT INFO about not wasting money on other forms of this (polyenyl-phosphatidylcholine)

PhosChol has been leading professional brand of pharmaceutical grade PPC (polyenyl-phosphatidylcholine).

This is amazing stuff I've learned. We have educated on the topic before but I have found extensive new info. I got so intrigued I was able to have a meeting with the president of the company to have a deep discussion on this. He has agreed to come on to the groups as a live and answer questions and further educate. He is fascinating to speak with.

I originally found out about when i tried their neuropathy lotion. WOW on that. But then I realize they have the only true source for this to be therapeutic.

PhosChol is 100 percent pure polyenylphosphatidylcholine (PPC), with up to 52% DLPC. In fact, PhosChol delivers the highest available concentrated source of dilinoleoylphosphatidylcholine (DLPC). No other product can compare. NONE.

All other brands use this is what I am finding. This is the original. Purest and most concentrated. So if it seems higher in price than others, it really isn't when you evaluate the data and concentrations. Nothing compares.

PhosChol is the holistic and physiological way to optimal health and wellness

-In numerous clinical studies, purified polyenylphosphatidylcholine (PPC) has been shown to support:*

cardiovascular health

liver health and function

brain function and memory

cell membrane restructuring, fluidity and flexibility

cell membrane metabolism

gastric mucosal protection

immune system

sports endurance recovery

Recommended by Doctors and the Leading Professional Brand

"Since 1982, PhosChol has been leading professional brand of pharmaceutical grade PPC (polyenyl-phosphatidylcholine). In fact, over 200 million doses have been administered by doctors in the United States alone. PhosChol is the Gold Standard; A 100 Percent Purified Active Ingredient that delivers the highest concentrated source of 1,2 DLPC, a very special molecule responsible for PhosChol's superior efficacy and results"

PhosChol's unique mode of action and proven results

-Over 35 years of use in the United States

-Trusted by doctors - Over 100 million doses administered by doctors in the U.S. alone

-Broad and deep clinical documentation

-Gold Standard - 100% purified and pharmaceutical grade polyenylphosphatidylcholine (PPC)

***The highest concentrated source of the cell membrane superstar - 1,2 Dilinoleoylphosphatidylcholine (DLPC - Up To 52%)

-Unsurpassed safety record

-100 percent satisfaction guarantee

IT IS SPENDY BUT it is amazing price on Fullscript. I am excited about finally using this one. I start next week. I've been wasting money on what I used previously. It was a good wellness addition but not truly therapeutic. You can find it here at amazing price, just search catalog with the word NUTRASAL . 25% off

I've added images to learn more and show you the bottles and amazing price I found too. I am adding it and am also adding their other stuff.

I would love your feedback and to keep in touch with me in messenger if you add it.

Learn more in detail here:

The cheapest on fullscript 25% off. I notice the kid version is not on fullscript but everything else is. RAL will save you off their site if you need for your child. I will announce when I have him scheduled to talk with us.

LAST BUT NOT LEAST, ask your doctor before adding anything is my recommendation always. This is a function better, heal, absorb your other stuff better, not herx type addition.

Disclaimer: Rise Above Lyme makes no claims about any possible benefit of using any product mentioned within this site. Always consult with your doctor before adding anything. The information shared is based on personal experience, years of accumulated researched resources from Lyme Literate doctors and polls conducted within Lyme groups from actual patient experience using these solution ideas.



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