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Updated: Sep 15

Please check out the symptoms I experienced on the bottom post. I also attached a hematology site for more information on signs and symptoms. Keep in mind, the symptoms can be VERY similiar to things you are used to feeling. Please never assume there isn't more involved. Anemia is something that can be helped and then you aren't suffering needlessly on top of Lyme and co-infections. Regular labs can help catch anemia. Often mentioned in Babesia and Bartonella.

My personal symptoms when going anemic are:

More weakness

More fatigue

Don't want to do anything

Dizzy spells


Tongue feels kinds burnt like I ate too hot of soup



Random heart racing


"Dr. Horowitz writes that babesiosis can also cause “a hemolytic anemia (due to red blood cells breaking down)"

Horowitz shared this

"Complications include very low blood pressure, liver problems, severe hemolytic anemia (a breakdown of red blood cells), and kidney failure."

"The disease can cause a specific type of anemia, called hemolytic anemia, since the parasites infect and destroy red blood cells."

"The disease can be mild or life-threatening. Severely ill patients can have low white blood cell count, low platelet count, anemia, elevated liver enzymes....."

"Babesiosis, especially for immunocompromised or elderly patients, can lead to complications such as very low blood pressure, liver problems, hemolytic anemia.."

"Babesia infection is commonly associated with anemia, thrombocytopenia, hyponatremia and elevated liver enzymes."

"The disease is caused by the protozoa of the genus Babesia, which invade human erythrocytes and lyse them causing a febrile hemolytic anemia."

"Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) is a disease caused by the bacterium Rickettsia rickettsii. It causes fever, nausea, muscle ache, headache and a rash. It can lead to loss of blood cells (anemia) and other serious blood disorders."

"The case report suggests that B. henselae infection can trigger secondary autoimmune haemolytic anaemia."

"In restless legs syndrome a person regularly moves the legs at night. Some report a feeling like something is crawling on the legs. If you have this problem your physician should check for low iron levels by measuring a ferritin level. If your ferritin is less then 40 take iron supplements. Be aware that restless legs syndrome is often caused by the coinfection bartonella or sometimes in babesia."

"Many of my patients with chronic infections struggle with low iron levels—perhaps not overt anemia (though sometimes this is present too), but often low iron saturation in the bloodstream, and low ferritin, the storage form of iron. This is because most organisms—bacteria, viruses, and fungi—use iron for various functions of their own."

PANS references

My Anemia experience link

Recommended labs for full picture:

CBC and differential







This worked great me both of us in my family. I hear it mentioned all the time in the groups.


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