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Updated: Sep 15

"Although the mechanisms and heterogenous effects of the different extracted materials are not completely understood, the immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory activities, as well as the cardiovascular protective effects are being tested in clinical studies, mainly using β-glucans from mushrooms, or concentrated extracts as nutraceuticals or in view of potential drug discovery."

"Nutritional support with zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, 3,6 Beta glucan and melatonin, and how/why they can be helpful in combating the worst effects of the virus."

"Some experimental studies have reported the biological properties of β-D-glucans, especially their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-tumor effects (Akramiene et al., 2007, Pelizon et al., 2005). In vitro experiments showed that β-glucans can directly activate leukocytes, and further stimulate their phagocytic, cytotoxic, and antimicrobial activities."

"Beta glucan is a complex carbohydrate fiber otherwise known as a polysaccharide. It is found in the cell wall of certain types of yeasts, seaweeds, and algae as well as Reishi, Shitake, and Maitake mushrooms. It’s also found in grains such as oats and barley.

There are different types of beta glucans, named according to their length and position. They are known as beta 1,3D glucan, beta 1,4 glucan ,or beta 1,6 glucan."

"Beta-glucans are thought to provide several health benefits:

  1. -reduce cholesterol and triglycerides for overall heart health;

  2. -help maintain healthy body weight by increasing satiation and supporting blood sugar levels;

  3. -promote healthy gut bacteria in intestinal tract as well as short-chain fatty acids;

  4. -stimulate the immune system, potentially warding off fatigue, infection and stress; and

  5. -moisturize and firm the skin, promoting a smooth appearance and healthy aging"

Part of Horowitz protocol:

"These substances increase host immune defense by activating complement system, enhancing macrophages and natural killer cell function."

"β-glucans: a potential source for maintaining gut microbiota and the immune system."

"These substances increase host immune defense by activating complement system, enhancing macrophages and natural killer cell function."

"β-glucans: a potential source for maintaining gut microbiota and the immune system."

"Beta-glucans are non-caloric dietary fibers and highly branched polysaccharides found in the cell walls of bacteria, fungi, algae, and grains. As prebiotic fibers, beta-glucans stimulate the growth and activity of favorable intestinal microbiota and prevent the growth of harmful pathogens in the gut. Sources of beta-glucans include:Mushrooms (e.g., maitake, shiitake), Seaweed (e.g., laminaran, mycolaminarin), Whole grains (e.g., barley, oats), Yeasts (e.g., Saccharomyces cerevisiae, baker’s yeast, brewer’s yeast)

Similar to other fibers, beta-glucans are also available in supplement form. Beta-glucans have been shown to promote gastrointestinal health and improve or reduce the risk of developing insulin resistance, high cholesterol, hypertension, and obesity. Research also suggests that consuming or supplementing with beta-glucans may impart an immune benefit."

"Beta glucans are widely used for many conditions including high cholesterol, diabetes, cancer, and HIV/AIDS, and are even used to prevent infection after surgery. They modulate and strengthen the innate and adaptive immune responses and may even help your body defend against the harmful effects of stress."


Disclaimer: Rise Above Lyme makes no claims about any possible benefit of using any product mentioned within this site. Always consult with your doctor before adding anything. The information shared is based on personal experience, years of accumulated researched resources from Lyme Literate doctors and polls conducted within Lyme groups from actual patient experience using these solution ideas.


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