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I haven't used to my knowledge (unless it was in a combination product I may have used in past) I asked my doctor and he says I don't need it right now. I have a few people providing trustworthy feedback so I can edit this later. Feedback welcome . We would love to hear your experience using.

"In my experience teasel is most effective for helping with arthritic symptoms from lyme; I don’t know of any contraindications. "

"Two brain scans, one taken during years of illness and another taken after the treatment was completed, provide indisputable evidence of teasel’s effectiveness."

"The roots and leaves of dipsacus are rich in active compounds that have bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, immunostimulatory and protective effects on the liver parenchyma. Dipsacus strengthens the immune system, thus helping the body fight infection caused by Lyme disease."

"Previously, bioactives from wild teasel roots have exhibited minimal activity against Lyme disease, however studies have demonstrated the significant differences in composition of leaves from that of the root. Researchers have now found great potential for testing the bioactive sylvestrosides against the latent forms of B. burgdorferi as separate phytochemicals, as well as testing in combination with other bioactives, antibiotics and micronutrients to evaluate effectiveness against latent Lyme bacteria."

"...whereas two lipophilic fractions demonstrated significant growth-inhibiting activity, with the strongest inhibition found in the ethyl acetate extract."

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Disclaimer: Rise Above Lyme makes no claims about any possible benefit of using any product mentioned within this site. Always consult with your doctor before adding anything. The information shared is based on personal experience, years of accumulated researched resources from Lyme Literate doctors and polls conducted within Lyme groups from actual patient experience using these solution ideas.


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